Well. This really sucked. For one, its annoying to read your shorthand speak of "u"'s and "y"s. And I really wouldn't refer to yourself as a pro just yet. And don't diss your reviewers for not making flash, when you only made two others that seem to be newb porn rip offs(not that some of the "adult" flash isnt well made mind you) and are both disabled for admin review. You really shouldn't make tutorials if you cant fully understand and put to use the basic concepts you are trying to teach. And overloading your flash with dinky scripts(such as the bugged mouse..) wont make it any better. You need a lot more practice. As far as other things go..there really isn't much need for flash tutorials of this kind, as plenty of great ones are already out there and on this site for that matter. But if you MUST, organize your content better, and a flash of that limitedness shouldnt be 2mb. Poorly compressed music maybe? What ever the case, it wasn't worth the load and you'll be lucky if people stick around. Get some practice, and submit some real content. I wish you better luck next time.